Enterprise-Focused Resilience Analytics
One Concern Domino Co-pilot helps leaders build resilience and make better business operations decisions amid climate volatility and extreme weather.
Vulnerability Map
Model historical events and custom scenarios to identify your assets with the highest structural and dependency-level risk
Downtime Insights
Project operational downtime with customizable return periods, planning horizons and risk thresholds.
First to fail
Predict locations of interest which are most likely to fail across owned assets and critical external business lifelines.
Co-pilot based on GPT models
Harness the power of GPT Generative AI algorithms, working in harmony with our 1C datasets, to produce clear and concise recommendations from your ROI analysis. Consider this as your co-pilot, skillfully navigating you through the vast landscape of physical climate risk.
Climate Eye
Model your risk exposure through the lens of climate change, for a comprehensive view of future scenario planning
How Resilience Analysis Works